Erica & Chris

Hoping to Adopt (Massachusetts)


Dear Expectant Parent,

We hope that no matter the path you take, you are surrounded by those you love and have the support you need.

Hi There
Thank you for your interest in getting to know us. We will do our best through the words and pictures in this book to show you that the two of us are truly something special. We hope that by its end you’ll come away feeling like a part of our family and can see us as part of your story as well. The choice you are facing right now is inconceivable. We can’t imagine the difficulty of your situation, but we recognize its magnitude, and we respect and admire you for considering adoption for your child. Your bravery and selflessness are without equal. If you decide that adoption will provide the best life for your child, be confident in knowing that the family you choose will be the right one for them. We hope that no matter the path you take, you are surrounded by those you love and have the support you need. If you choose our family to parent your child, we will dedicate our lives to enriching theirs, showing them love each and every day, and doing everything in our power to keep them happy, healthy, and safe.
Our Why

At its core, family is love. The more, the merrier!

Our Wedding
Soon after marriage we began to think about starting our family. Our dream was to have children; to watch them grow and play, to guide and teach and learn from them. To share our love. We tried to have a child on our own, but after years without success and several rounds of IVF it became clear that there was a different plan for us. We have many people close to us whose families had opened their hearts to them as infants, and we are so grateful to have them in our lives. We knew we wanted adoption to be part of our family story too. When our extended families get together, it crosses genetic lines and bridges biological gaps. Friends and neighbors are intermingled at holidays, barbecues, and birthday parties. At its core, family is love. The more, the merrier! We feel incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by such a loving group of people and simply cannot wait to share the love our family has to offer.
Our Story

We were drawn to each other’s sense of humor, adventure, and outgoing spontaneity.

Paris Trip!
We met in early 2008 while working at the Apple Store. The magnetism was immediate. We were drawn to each other’s sense of humor, adventure, and outgoing spontaneity. As our friendship blossomed, it became increasingly rare to find us apart. Even during periods of time where we were in separate relationships, we often double dated. So the only surprise when we began seeing each other in 2013 was that it hadn’t happened sooner. The next four years were one endless adventure. We shared a love of traveling, and when we weren’t on one trip, we were planning the next. In 2016, while crossing Paris off of our list of destination cities, Chris proposed to Erica on the steps of Sacré-Coeur Basilica. We were married the following July in the presence of our many friends and extensive families.
Our Promises

You can be confident in knowing that our family is a strong safety net, and your child will never know a fear of falling.

Thank you!
Thank you for taking some time to read through our profile and getting to know us. We hope you see us as a kind and fun-loving couple, with strong family bonds and devoted support system. If you choose us to raise and nurture your child, please know that theirs will be a home full of life, happiness, and unconditional love. We promise to provide a safe and secure environment, and to protect them from physical and emotional harm. They will know their story and as much of yours as you would like them to. Above all else, our pledge to you is the peace of mind in knowing your child will understand your sacrifice and be forever grateful to you for it. Together, we will make it our mission to inspire creativity and wonder, to encourage their passions, and help them define who they are and what they want to be. We will foster in them a sense of self-worth, and promote confidence, compassion, and instill a strong moral compass. We aspire, as parents, to open doors to intellectual growth through arts and sciences, to enrich their childhood with activities in sports and nature, and to give them every opportunity to build friendships along the way. We strive to raise a responsible, ethical, and self-sufficient individual. A person who loves themself and others. A contributing member of the community, and society at large. Lastly, we promise to have fun with them. To laugh and cry with them. To cherish every moment. We look forward to filling their lives with wonderful experiences and beautiful memories. We promise to always be present, and vow to put their best interests ahead of all else. We know parenthood will not always be easy, but we will do our best to handle life’s challenges with grace. You can be confident in knowing that our family is a strong safety net, and your child will never know a fear of falling.
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