Tiffany & Teddy

Hoping to Adopt (North Carolina)


Hi there

We admire your courage and selflessness and we pray for you as you make this difficult decision.

Hi, we are Teddy and Tiffany
It is difficult to put into words how thankful we are for you. We admire your courage and selflessness and we pray for you as you make this difficult decision. We cannot imagine the emotions you must be experiencing, and hope that you feel God's presence and love throughout the remainder of your pregnancy and beyond. We pray that you find peace in selecting a family to love and provide opportunities for your child. As we grow our family through adoption, we want you to know just how much we cherish this gift, and what a blessing it has been for us. Your sacrifice is a direct reflection of the love you have for your child, a love that words could never describe. The challenges that we have faced trying to expand our family have been difficult and emotional, but we now know that adoption has been God's plan all along. This became so clear to us after we adopted our son Elias at the beginning of 2021. As you consider this difficult decision, we hope to offer you some peace in the form of a promise. If your child is placed with us, we promise to love him/her unconditionally while providing consistent stability and guidance. He/she will never doubt the love you have for him/her which is shown in your selfless decision. He/she will grow up knowing how special, chosen and longed for he/she is. We are thinking of you and cannot express enough gratitude for your consideration.
About Us

Our faith is the center of our home, our marriage, and our family.

Our Wedding
A mutual friend introduced us in the summer of 2012. Tiffany was living on the west coast of Florida at the time (her home state) while Teddy was living in central North Carolina (his home state). After 3 years of dating and traveling back and forth, we decided to tie the knot! We were married in Florida on a beautiful summer day in June of 2015. We then settled down in North Carolina to start our life together. Teddy manages his family owned seafood restaurant. He loves seeing his regular customers and making them feel right at home! Tiffany is a Registered Nurse in Labor and Delivery. She loves working with her patients and witnessing little miracles enter the world everyday! We are both very fortunate to have great flexibility with our work schedules, as family time is very important to us. We are both devout Christians. Our faith is the center of our home, our marriage, and our family. We are thankful to be part of an incredible, loving church and community. We strive daily to live respectable lives with constant spiritual growth based on our morals and values.
Our Why

We were blessed to adopt our son Elias at the beginning of 2021 and could have never imagined a kind of love like that.

The day we took placement of Eli
When planning our future, we both discussed the desire to adopt. After years of infertility struggles, that desire only grew stronger. We were blessed to adopt our son Elias at the beginning of 2021 and could have never imagined a kind of love like that. He is the answer to so many prayers and the perfect addition to our family. Words cannot describe the amount of the love and admiration we have for Elias' birth parents. We communicate frequently with his birth mother sending picture and email updates.
Our Promises

We hope to set a good example and teach him/her important virtues such as kindness, courtesy, compassion and humility.

We sincerely thank you for taking the time to learn about us as individuals and as a couple.
We are determined to provide a safe and well-balanced environment, surrounded by a support system of family and friends. He/she will be shown examples of love and laughter and will always be encouraged to live life to the fullest. We are committed to providing the best education both at home and in school. We will encourage his/her strengths, and support his/her weaknesses. We will inspire confidence and creativity so that he/she grows up believing in the ability to reach his/her fullest potential. We hope to set a good example and teach him/her important virtues such as kindness, courtesy, compassion and humility. We sincerely thank you for taking the time to learn about us and our family. We appreciate your consideration as you're weighing out the many potential options. Regardless of your choice, we thank you for your bravery. We admire your strength and respect your sacrifice. If you'd like to learn more about us, we would love to speak with you. We are ready and waiting and would love nothing more than to connect with you on this journey. May God bless you and your child.
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